Supervision Unit


The probation is for youth who are struggling with delinquent behaviors and/or have committed a very serious crime. The unit’s approach is to resolve issues which contribute or will contribute to incorrigible or delinquent behavior. Youth being considered for probation are screened by staff to determine if they meet appropriate criteria. Once approved, a plan is developed to initiate services and programs which are designed to help youth be successful. This includes intense supervision of school activity, adherence to probationary rules and conditions, participation in community service, restitution, and participation in pro-social programs.

The Juvenile Division’s goal is to divert youth from the formal adjudication process. This is accomplished by placing youth on informal supervision. This strategy is for first time delinquent offenders who do not need to be under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court. Youth are assessed by staff and once approved, the youth are closely supervised by the tracking officer. Supervision plans are developed which include pro-social activities, community service, and other programming designed to promote positive behavior and good decision making.