Achievement Court

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The Juvenile Achievement Court and Drug Court are comprehensive treatment programs for juveniles who are struggling academically due to truancy, substance use, mental health, or behavioral issues. Traditionally, students who commit drug violations or other inappropriate behavior at school are faced with a long term suspension for 10-180 days. The collateral consequences of long-term suspension are delays in education, continued misbehavior, and delinquency; not to mention, suspending a student does not address the root issues the student maybe experiencing. As an alternative, youth can be placed in the court program which includes bi-weekly court appearances, a variety of treatment modalities based upon the need of the youth, drug testing, individual/group counseling, medication assisted therapy, and substance use education. If educational needs are an issue, youth are also referred to the Jasper County Juvenile Center’s alternative school during the day. In addition, juveniles and their families are linked with community resources to help meet the needs of the entire family.

Services which focus on treatment, counseling, competency development, and education reduce recidivism and future involvement in the juvenile justice system; not to mention these opportunities are valuable alternatives to detention. The Achievement Court team works collaboratively to help meet the needs of the juveniles and their families, offer close supervision throughout the week while keeping the juvenile out of the formal court system, and provide ongoing opportunities for juveniles to remain on track academically. The combination of supervision and intensive services positively impacts the lives of the participants by addressing the needs of the family; thereby, keeping the juvenile engaged in school, earning a high school diploma, promoting abstinence, eliminating future delinquent or status issues related to substance use, and improving the overall health of the individual.