Services Overview 


Why juvenile services?

Our services focus on treatment, counseling, competency development, and education because these are key factors in reducing recidivism and children’s future involvement in the juvenile justice system. The services below are provided at the Juvenile Center after the youth’s needs have been identified.


Prosocial Services

Food & Nutrition: We teach healthy eating habits, kitchen hygiene, eating on a budget, menu and meal planning. Will cook at each class. Duration: 1 hour/6 weeks

Spiva Outreach: This program provides an opportunity to think creatively with watercolors, sculptures, create unique mesmerizing collages and use acrylic paint on a canvas. Duration: 1.5 hour/4 weeks

Educational Services

Game Night: This program questions the choices and motivations of a youth in a group setting. The program is designed to help with self- confidence, creativity, problem solving and communication. Duration: 2 hours/12 weeks.

Intervention for Nicotine Dependence (INDEPTH): For youth facing suspension for violation of school tobacco policies. Duration: 1 hour/4 weeks.

Not On Tobacco (N.O.T.): For youth who are interested in quitting vaping or other tobacco products. Focus is on increasing healthy behaviors, self-control, and stress management. Duration: 1 hour/10 weeks.

Tutoring: This program is for youth who need help on class work, students failing classes, or youth who do not have internet at home. Duration: Offered 2x a week for 2 hours each day.


Treatment Services

Substance Abuse Education: Topics include relapse prevention plans, triggers, developing positive support systems, and thinking errors which can lead to substance abuse. Duration: 1 hour/10 weeks.

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT): MRT is a cognitive-behavioral approach, which positively addresses an adolescent’s ego, social, moral and positive behavioral growth. Duration: 2 hour class/approximately 20 weeks.

Anger Management: This program is designed to look at kid’s decision making, evaluate their responses and create new healthier strategies. Youth in this program learn to create an anger management plan. Duration: 1:30 hour/8 weeks.


Gender Specific Services

La Mariposa: This program focuses on personal empowerment for adolescent Latinas. Youth learn about the power within and the ways in which they can lead the direction of their lives. Duration: 1 hour/10 weeks.

New Perspectives: Cognitive behavioral therapy for female adolescent girls. Females ages 13-16. Duration 1:30 hours/8 weeks.